our services
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We work closely with organisations that want to create astute and ethical businesses, lead and become global pioneers whilst being organisations who believe in the synergy between education, industry and community on a
global scale.
Education is at the heart of everything we do.
Our point of difference is that we have worked hands on within the educational and industry sector with experience spanning across E-Learning, Curriculum Development, Facilitation, Recruitment and On-the-Job Training whilst meeting industry requirements, standards and outcomes.

Specialisation Area

Team Management Systems (TMS)
Accredited Practioner

Authorised Venue

Tailored Solutions

International Pathways
Career Development

Preparation Program
Learning & Management
Effective Leadership and Management is fundamental within current modern day organisations. Understanding, motivating and influencing performance is the key to a highly productive team and organisation. Managers must focus on leading the learning of others through ethical and sustainable practices, with a commitment to lifelong learning resulting in loyal and committed employees and in-turn a more successful and profitable organisation.
Team Management Systems
The TMS approach focuses on identifying and understanding key work elements that prove to be a reliable and valid and explain why some individuals, teams, and organizations perform, work effectively and achieve their objectives while others fail. At its core, Team Management Systems reveal critical dynamics to enable the development of high-performance in the workplace. MAJESTiiC is a TMS Accredited Practitioner
Education Pathways
There are many pathways that can help individuals and organisations reach their goals and with the increasing changes within the world of education and industry the pathways we offer have been tailored to meet our clients needs. MAJESTiiC clients are leaders in their respective fields and pathways have been developed accordingly via extensive research, consultation and industry engagement to ensure best practise and best outcome.
International Opportunities
MAJESTiiC offers International pathways for Graduates and Industry Professionals leading to valuable up-skilling and possible migration pathways. Opportunities are available across key industry sectors enabling participants to experience international requirements and standards first-hand. All programs cover licencing and legislative requirements. Contact us!
OET Authorised Testing Venue
MAJESTiiC was approved as an OET Testing Venue for the Philippines in 2014. OET is majority owned by Cambridge UK in partnership with Box Hill Institute. OET is an international English language test that assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals who seek to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. Read more...
OET Preparation Program
MAJESTiiC's OET Preparation Program (MOPP) prepares health professionals for the Occupational English Test (OET) and assists them to progress towards gaining professional registration in Australia,
New Zealand and Singapore. MAJESTiiC focuses on developing skills and preparing students for the four sub-tests within the OET. Join the class of 2016!

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